Worker Harrier Performance – FPS numbers

We have received a first sample of the Worker Harrier and inmediately put it to the test!

The Worker Harrier is a high power springer with several barrel and spring options to adjust the FPS for your personal needs. The springs can be swapped by removing a couple of screws and the barrel can quickly be swapped by just twisting.

Stock the Harrier comes with 2 barrels (368 and 310mm) and 2 springs (1.4 x 250 mm and 1.4 x 275 mm) Additionally there is a 450 and 550 mm barrel available as well as a 1.6 x 250 mm spring and a 1.6 x 300 mm spring. interesting to note is that the 250 spring by Worker actually measures 270 mm long and the 300 mm spring measures 310 mm long. In the performance table we used the lengths as specified by Worker and used in the product listings.

Each setup is tested with at least 20 shots over the chronograph to give you the best performance indication possible.

From each setup we report the highest, lowest and average, as well as the standard deviation.

The standard deviation is the most important metric as it shows the consitency between shots, which is important for accuracy.

Please keep in mind that this overview is meant as an indication. Dart quality, blaster seals, lubrication, climate and other factors have an affect on performance.

Chronograph used: Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph.

Darts used: Worker HE darts – 1.0 gram


Spring 1.4 x 250 mm 1.4 x 250 mm
Barrel 310 mm 368 mm
Highest 186 176
Lowest 140 91
Average 166,9 142,4 13,6 21,2


Spring 1.4 x 275 mm 1.4 x 275 mm
Barrel 310 mm 368 mm
Highest 203 203
Lowest 181 171
Average 196,3 187,3 5,4 7,7


Spring 1.6 x 270 mm 1.6 x 270 mm 1.6 x 270 mm 1.6 x 270 mm
Barrel 310 mm 368 mm 450 mm 550 mm
Highest 256 263 266 256
Lowest 244 248 244 208
Average 251,1 257,0 256,4 233,8 3,2 3,9 6,3 12,5


Spring 1.6 x 310 mm 1.6 x 310 mm 1.6 x 310 mm 1.6 x 310 mm
Barrel 310 mm 368 mm 450 mm 550 mm
Highest 269 278 284 283
Lowest 250 264 269 259
Average 262,4 272,8 277,2 269,8 3,9 3,6 4,1 5,9

Due to the reducing performance we did not include the 1.4 springs in our testing with the 450 and 550 mm barrels. Note the standard deviation, from which you can clearly see which barrel is too long for each spring.



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