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Zius BK1S – Trouble Shooting

The Zius BK1S and BK2S are complex blasters. To help in understanding these blasters we use this page to gather troubleshooting tips.
You can also watch this video from Out Of Darts for more info.

If you have any usefull information that should be added to this guide, please send us an e-mail!


1) Connect the battery.
2) With the first triggerpull, the blaster will be powered on. You will hear a chime.
3) With the second triggerpull, a dart will be loaded.
4) Every next triggerpull will fire a dart, and load the next dart.

Firing Options:

– Single Shot
– Full Auto
– 2-Round Burst

How to enable 2-Round Burst:

1) Put the blaster in “single fire mode”.
2) Hold down the trigger for about 5 seconds until you hear a long beep.

To put the blaster back in single fire mode: repeat the steps above.

De-priming the blaster:

Hold down the trigger for 10-15 seconds until you hear 2 long beeps. First after 5 seconds you will hear the long beep, then 5-10 seconds later you will hear the 2 beeps. If you release the trigger, the blaster will de-prime.

Resetting the blaster:

If the blaster keeps beeping, and won’t fire, it will need to be reset. If de-priming (see above) doesnt work, follow the reset procedure.

1) Make sure there is no dart loaded in the blaster
2) Connect the battery
3) Make sure the blaster is in semi-auto mode
4) Hold down the trigger for about 30 seconds until you hear 3 beeps.
5) De-prime the blaster

Watch this video from Out Of Darts for a demonstration.

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